Breast Lift

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to raise and reshape sagging breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue.

Women who have lost breast volume and firmness due to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or significant weight loss may benefit from a breast lift. Additionally, those who are unhappy with the appearance of their sagging breasts, regardless of their age or reason, may consider the procedure.

A breast lift can help improve the shape and contour of the breasts, increase self-confidence, and restore a more youthful and attractive appearance.

There are different techniques for lifting the breasts, the choice of which depends on the degree of breast sagging.

The three most common techniques are: periareolar incision, vertical incision, and anchor incision.

Periareolar incision is made around the areola, the dark pigmented area around the nipple. This technique is often used for mild to moderate breast lifts and the scar is usually well hidden at the areola border.

Vertical incision: This type of incision is made around the areola and then vertically down the breast. It is used for moderate to significant breast lifts and allows for greater tissue reshaping. The resulting scar is shaped like a lollipop, with a circular scar around the areola and a vertical scar down the breast.

Anchor incision: This type of incision is the most common technique used for significant breast lifts. It involves an incision around the areola, a vertical incision down the breast, and a horizontal incision along the inframammary fold (where the breast meets the chest). The resulting scar is shaped like an anchor and may be more visible, but it allows for the most significant reshaping of the breast.

After the incisions have been made, the surgeon will remove excess skin and reshape the breast tissue to lift and firm the breasts. If necessary, the surgeon will reposition the nipple to a higher position on the breast mound. Once the reshaping is complete, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures or surgical adhesive.

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Available hospitals

All our partners, hospitals and surgeons, are very carefully selected, with top quality, technology.




Breast Lift + implants
Renova Style
€ 3850
Breast Lift + implants
New Me Health
€ 3400
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BeautyTour on nelja ilukirurgia kliiniku ametlik esindaja Türgi populaarseimatesse kuurortlinnadesse Alanya ja Antalyasse.


BeautyTour is the official representative of four cosmetic surgery clinics in Turkey’s most popular resort towns of Alanya and Antalya.


BeautyTour is the official representative of four cosmetic surgery clinics in Turkey’s most popular resort towns of Alanya and Antalya.
