Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery can provide women with relief from the physical and emotional burden of excessively large breasts.

By reducing their size and improving their shape, this procedure can help women achieve a more proportional and comfortable body, allowing them to feel lighter and more confident in their daily lives.

The reality is that many women struggle with the challenges of having breasts that are too large for their frame. These breasts can cause chronic pain, skeletal deformities, breathing difficulties, and other health issues, as well as significant self-consciousness and discomfort.

Clearly, having bigger breasts is not always better, and breast reduction surgery can be a life-changing solution for those affected. By addressing the physical and psychological impacts of large breasts, this procedure can help women to live healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives.

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure that aims to reduce the size and weight of the breasts while also making them more firm. This is achieved by removing excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breast.

During the surgery, the surgeon will typically make an incision around the nipple and beneath the breast, forming an upside-down T shape. They will then remove the excess tissue and reshape the breast by pulling the remaining skin taut.

In most cases, the surgeon will attempt to preserve the sensitivity of the nipples and areola by leaving them attached to their original blood vessels and nerves. However, if the breasts are particularly large, it may be necessary to remove the nipple and graft it to a new location. This can result in decreased sensitivity.

Available hospitals

All our partners, hospitals and surgeons, are very carefully selected, with top quality, technology.




Breast Reduction
Renova Style
€ 2250
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BeautyTour on nelja ilukirurgia kliiniku ametlik esindaja Türgi populaarseimatesse kuurortlinnadesse Alanya ja Antalyasse.


BeautyTour is the official representative of four cosmetic surgery clinics in Turkey’s most popular resort towns of Alanya and Antalya.


BeautyTour is the official representative of four cosmetic surgery clinics in Turkey’s most popular resort towns of Alanya and Antalya.
