Nose Reshaping

Nose reshaping, also known as rhinoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves altering the size, shape, or proportion of the nose to improve its appearance or function.

The procedure can address a variety of concerns, such as a large or small nose, a crooked nose, or a bump or depression on the nasal bridge. In addition to its cosmetic benefits, nose reshaping can also improve breathing difficulties caused by structural issues in the nose.

The surgical process of nose reshaping, or rhinoplasty, typically involves making incisions inside the nostrils or on the skin between the nostrils.

Through these incisions, the surgeon can access the underlying bone and cartilage, which can then be reshaped or repositioned to achieve the desired results.

In some cases, additional tissue may be added to augment the nose's structure.

Once the alterations have been made, the incisions are closed with sutures, and a splint may be applied to help support the nose as it heals.


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Take some time off and go have a medical vacation!

You’ll return home happier and more beautiful than ever.

BeautyTour on nelja ilukirurgia kliiniku ametlik esindaja Türgi populaarseimatesse kuurortlinnadesse Alanya ja Antalyasse.


BeautyTour is the official representative of four cosmetic surgery clinics in Turkey’s most popular resort towns of Alanya and Antalya.


BeautyTour is the official representative of four cosmetic surgery clinics in Turkey’s most popular resort towns of Alanya and Antalya.
