Tummy Tuck

For many people, the appearance of their tummy is a source of dissatisfaction. Despite their best efforts with diet and exercise, achieving a flat and firm midsection can seem impossible. This is especially true for those who have undergone pregnancies, experienced weight fluctuations, or have a genetic predisposition to store fat in the abdominal area.

In such cases, abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, can be a solution. This surgical procedure removes excess skin and tissue from the abdominal area, resulting in a smoother and flatter tummy.

During a tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon will make an incision along the pubic area, running from hip to hip (or sometimes from the navel down). The excess skin and fat will then be pulled down and removed. Throughout the tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon will leave the navel intact and attached to the abdominal wall.

In some cases, the procedure may also involve liposuction to remove additional fat in the abdominal area. After the tummy tuck surgery is complete, you will have a scar across the lower abdomen, which will typically fade over time.


Available hospitals

All our partners, hospitals and surgeons, are very carefully selected, with top quality, technology.




Tummy Tuck
Renova Style
€ 3300
Tummy Tuck
New Me Health
€ 2700
Mini Tummy Tuck
Renova Style
€ 2660
Mini Tummy Tuck
New Me Health
€ 1900
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Take some time off and go have a medical vacation!

You’ll return home happier and more beautiful than ever.

BeautyTour on nelja ilukirurgia kliiniku ametlik esindaja Türgi populaarseimatesse kuurortlinnadesse Alanya ja Antalyasse.


BeautyTour is the official representative of four cosmetic surgery clinics in Turkey’s most popular resort towns of Alanya and Antalya.


BeautyTour is the official representative of four cosmetic surgery clinics in Turkey’s most popular resort towns of Alanya and Antalya.
